Are kind people takers?(優しい人は、テイカー?)
Recently, the words “giver” and “taker” have become commonly used. A “giver̶...
Recently, the words “giver” and “taker” have become commonly used. A “giver̶...
When I was in junior high school, I used an English textbook called New Horizon. And there is a story in that ...
賃貸マンションを探すときは、家賃を重視しがちですよね。しかし、「管理費」を意識しないと、予想以上に月々の支払が高くなってしまい、後悔するケースも少なくありません。 こちらの記事では、賃貸マンションの管理費について詳しく解...
It has been more than 15 years since I stared working. During this time, I only bought a suit once, when I joi...
When watching the Olympic equestrian events, you see the rider holding the reins and controlling the horse wit...
When I was in high school, my math teacher used to tell me this all the time.If you come across a problem that...
One day, while watching TV, there was a prgram about hypnosis show. The hypnotized person imitates a dog and d...
I work as a writer, so even if I can’t speak English, I would like to be able to write it. When I though...
I’m currently working as a writer on the side. And when I work as a writer, I feel a desire to deliver m...
Kindle本。 amazonの電子書籍サービスのことですよね。 通勤中などのすきま時間にサクッと読めますし、Kindle Unlimitedに加入していたら対象の本を好きなだけ読めるので、利用されている方も多いのではな...