It has been more than 15 years since I stared working. During this time, I only bought a suit once, when I joined the company. I don’t have any opportunities to wear a suit for work, so it was no problem for me.
However, recently I’ve had a few events come up that require me to wear a suit, such as weddings and college reunions. I’m almost 40 now, so I feel embarrassed to wear the suit I bought when I joined the company.
So today I decided to go buy my first ever custom-made suit. This is because I had hardly ever had the opportunity to wear a suit before and had no confience at all in choosing a suit for mayself. If I were to choose it myself, I would end up choosing a terrible suit.
Therefore, I plan to consult with a professional and have a csutom-made suit made. I’m really looking forward to seeing what my first ever custom-made suit will be like.
この度、私(星野なゆた)が編集として入らせて頂いたKindle本「食べたい!がとまらない とろけて香る茄子麻辣のおいしい秘密:日本初!常温保存できる瓶詰め麻婆茄子商品開発ストーリー(賀川元史著)が出版されました!